My Professional
I love robots! Since grade 7, I collected pieces from broken/thrown away toys to build a controllable toy car for my own when I barely knew about DC/AC, motors, and switches. I had stored a lot of "trash" that probably my parent put it in some big bags and threw into a corner of my house after I entered university.
It motivated me to pursue a degree in Mechatronics Engineering, where I focused on dynamics and control robotics systems. Now, it's extended to Cyber-Physical systems involving robots, IoT devices, and embedded computers.
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Artificial Intellicence
During my undergrad, I soon realized that the core which distinct us is our brain. Thus, to make robots more than robots, what we need to do is giving it a brain that can act rationally.
I started to learn about machine/deep learning from MOOCs, then taking graduate-level courses when I was in graduate schools. During my graduate research assistantships, I implemented many fascinating things into embedded systems: Model Predictive Control Controller, navigation stack for autonomous driving systems, deep neural computer vision with performance boosted-up using TensorRT, IoT networks of CO2 sensors and cameras for occupancy density detection and air/ventilation quality assessment, and more.
It strengthens my understanding of how to link AI to the real world and handle many challenges (uncertainty/disturbance, performance vs. accuracy, real-time, ...).
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Honestly, I am an introvert. My brain is a monkey that never rests. I think about many kinds of stuff, from humanity to myself. I decided to make Youtube videos to talk about some of the topics that everyone might benefit from. Some of them are: why professors make less than singers? If you die tomorrow?...
If you are interested, don't hesitate to Subscribe to my channel. I have been trying my best to publish more frequently, but as I have to do my job to make money first, the contents are not rich as a full-time one.
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